FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW WORKSHOP: Mutual Aid Large Scale Puppet Community Build
Full Moon Puppet Show is offering two open community workshop sessions designed by teaching artist Christopher Lutter Full Moon Mutual Aid Lead Staff to give participants a hands-on understanding of how to design and build large-scale puppets and/or pageant puppets, while combining the power of visual art with community activism.
Working alongside Mutual Aid Lead Artists, participants will help to complete a large-scale puppet and learn about the efforts of Spill Paint Not Oil. These workshops will be in-person at Big Animal Productions.
What is Mutual Aid? Full Moon’s Mutual Aid workshops partner with a social justice organization to design a puppet(s) that will help in their efforts to create change. The puppet is designed with input from the partner organization, an experienced teaching artist and three Full Moon lead artists. Open Community Workshops teach participants about the design process while completing the final steps. The puppet is then donating to the partner organization for their future use.
Enrollment is sliding scale/free. Sign up for a single workshop or come to both. Your donation helps support this Full Moon Puppet Show Mutual Aid Workshop.
Sliding Scale: $0, 10, 20, 30
AGE LIMIT: 13 and up
MAX PARTICIPANTS: 20 per dayPlease note that once your registration is complete, FULL MOON Workshop fees are non-refundable unless the workshop is canceled.
Sat, Aug. 31 and Sun, Sept. 7
1 – 4pmPlease note: the Sept. 1 workshop has been rescheduled to Sept. 7
IN PERSON: Big Animal Productions
2714 E. 27th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55406 -
Please wear old clothes that can get paint or glue on them and closed toed shoes.
ACCESSIBILITY: Contact Open Eye at boxoffice@openeyetheatre.org or 612-874-6338 for accessibility information and requests.
If you have questions about this workshop, please email

FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW is supported by:
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.