FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW WORKSHOP: Adhesives I Have Loved Along The Way
Proper selection and use of a variety of adhesives in fabricating for all environments and materials commonly found in the making of puppets and puppet rigging. Includes a Q&A for participants to talk through specific project needs and concerns.
AGE LIMIT: 13 and up
MAX PARTICIPANTS: 20Please note that once your registration is complete, FULL MOON Workshop fees are non-refundable unless the workshop is canceled.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
9:00am – 12:00pm CentralONLINE: Workshop sessions will be held on Zoom.
ACCESSIBILITY: Contact Open Eye at boxoffice@openeyetheatre.org or 612-874-6338 for accessibility information and requests.
Required Materials/Prep
Please be sure to assemble this list of materials in advance of the scheduled workshop session.
Please write down specific questions and concerns you need to have answers to. If it is a problem that you have been fighting with for a while, send them to me before class (a brief three-sentence ‘this is what I did, this is what happened’), so I can be sure I have the right info.
If you have questions about this workshop, please email
Teaching Artist Bio
Sam Cobb has been working in creature, costume, prop and puppetry fields for the last 20 years. She was featured in Dirty Jobs 2007 Halloween episode, as well as season 1 of SyFy channel’s FaceOff. Her experience ranges from live theater, live action film, stop motion animation, theme park production and commercial retail design to prototype fabrication and composites consultation.

FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW is supported by:
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.