A rowdy puppet cabaret during the full moon!
October 21 – 23, 2022
Join us under the full moon for an adult, rowdy puppet cabaret. Featuring performances by some of the most innovative Twin Cities puppetry artists and live music between acts!
Since 2008, FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW has been performing puppet slams throughout Minneapolis. This October, nominated artists will perform 10 minute original puppet shows to an audience encouraged to howl at the moon and cheer on each show!
Curated by Liz Howls
Featuring performances by
Kit Leffler
Brandon Sisneroz
Erica Warren
Tri Vo
Felicia Cooper
Paradox Teatro
Liz Howls
$18 - General Admission
AGE RECOMMENDATION: 14 and up for adult content/language/themes.
Fri, Oct. 21, 7:30pm SOLD OUT
Sat, Oct. 22, 7:30pm SOLD OUT
Sun, Oct. 23, 7:30pm SOLD OUT**A limited number of pay-what-you-can tickets will be available each night for overflow seating and standing room on a first-come, first served basis at the theatre only. The lobby opens at 6:45pm and patrons are encouraged to arrive early for a chance at tickets.
RUN TIME: 1 hour
Contact Open Eye at or 612-874-6338 for accessibility information and requests.
For the safety and peace of mind of our audience members, artists, and staff, Open Eye Theatre requires that audience members and staff wear face masks in the theatre. Masks must securely cover the nose and mouth and will be made available for those who arrive without them. Proof of vaccination is not required at this time. Open Eye bases our COVID-19 policies on the most recent CDC information. We greatly appreciate your compliance with this policy and thank you for helping to ensure that the show will go on!
Andrew Young (he/they)
Andrew is a Taiwanese-Indonesian-American puppeteer, artist, and educator based in Minneapolis. They received puppeteer training through Monkeybear's Harmolodic workshop, a Black, Native, and POC focused puppetry organization. They’ve been a performer, assistant director, and stage manager for Full Moon for the past few years, and they’re looking forward to the upcoming shows!
Kallie Melvin
Kallie is a Twin Cities based puppeteer and teaching and performing artist. She is so excited to be a part of the Full Moon magic this year!
Liz is a multidisciplinary artist with a focus in puppetry. She has been coordinating the Full Moon Puppet Show since 2008 when it began as a monthly goal with friends to create and perform every full moon. She recently relocated to Portland, Oregon to pursue work in stop-motion animation but returns to Minneapolis as often as possible to stay connected with the strong artistic community here.
Brandon Sisneroz
Brandon has been involved with the Full Moon Puppet show since the early days at Bedlam Theatre, creating/performing, documenting shows, and had the pleasure of hosting a winter show at his house during the traveling years. As the Technical Director at Open Eye Theatre, he primarily works behind the scenes to support artists in their endeavors, and is honored to share the stage again with fellow artists.
Paradox Teatro
Paradox Teatro is an international performing group working at the intersection of performance, technology, and culture. Their work has been seen locally and nationally, and has been supported by prestigious grants from the Jim Henson Foundation.
Erica Warren (she/hers)
Erica is a Black and Chamorro graphic designer, illustrator and up-&-coming puppeteer. Recently graduated, Erica explores mixing illustration, culture and typography in shadow puppetry through crankies.
Felicia Cooper
Felicia makes puppet shows for children with a loose definition of both puppets and children. Her work explores questions, collective curiosities, and shared experiences of wonder. Her work has received support from Winterthur Museum, the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, Connecticut Sea Grant, the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry, the Heinz Foundation, and next up- a residency at the Bell Museum right here in the Twin Cities.
Kit Leffler
Kit is a Saint Paul-based visual artist whose goal is to inspire change by promoting cultural exchange between the arts and sciences. She uses cantastoria, body puppetry and simple chemistry tricks in her puppetry works. Her October show is about a watermelon plant who desperately wants to become a climate activist. The show is inspired by the scientific research of Dr. Joanne Chory.
Tri Vo
Tri’s just a punk, guys. This bio is just to tell y’all that Tri’s a punk. Also, he did Open Eye’s Driveway Tour in Summer 2021, once people were somewhat vaccinated. The main character, Binh, was Viet; the show was adapted by his Viet puppet maker friend and now leaser, Oanh Vu. Oanh is cool, find her stuff. Find Tri in Minneapolis trying to talk about (eroding) capitalist realities and leftist things in kinda maybe everyday ways with Asian and sometimes non-Asian peoples, mostly in the nonprofit industry because of Bills To Pay. This is Tri’s first public, self-made solo puppet show.
Gena’s Sidekick will be performing music in between each puppet show!
Gibrish and Andrew are an accordion and violin duet for easy front-porch, campfire, street performance and puppet show listening.
Come buy a T-shirt, Coozie or poster at the FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW and support our programming. Check out the new design created by Aaron Bickner! Cash and card options available. These are only available at the show in limited supply – grab one while you can!

Visit Open Eye Theatre
506 E. 24th Street
Minneapolis, MN
Free parking is available in the lot on the southeast corner of 24th Street and Portland Avenue, courtesy of Lutheran Social Services.
FULL MOON PUPPET SHOW is supported by:
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.